I’m looking to have an image swap when you hover on text. Currently, I have 7 text links (each is a separate text link) that sit above an image. I would like to have the image remain in the same exact location and fade in and out to reveal the image that is currently being hovered on.
The simplest way would be to clone the right portion 7 times and overlay them stacking on each other using absolute positioning, set opacity to 0, and give each a different class name (content1, content2, etc.). Then, set an interaction on each link to fade in the respective content on hover (opacity 1), and fade out to 0 on hover out.
Edit: Oh wait, this won’t work as one link has to be hovered at all times.
If you plan on using background image, then you have to set up 7 different classes to display the corresponding image for each link.
Example of combo class each with different background image::
Link 1 - hero-background image1
Link 2 - hero-background image2
Link 3 - hero-background image3
Link 4 - hero-background image4
Link 5 - hero-background image5
Link 6 - hero-background image6
Link 7 - hero-background image7
Thanks for sharing this approach! For some reason I am unable to execute the hover interaction. I have followed this tutorial http://help.webflow.com/lesson/hover-trigger-interaction and I am not able to ‘Affect A Different Element’ once I have labeled the element.
Hi @Sports_Bro_89, it would be really helpful if you could share the read-only link to your site design, then we can take a look how you have things setup. Share a read-only link | Webflow University. This is especially helpful when you are trying to setup the hover interaction.