I'm struggling to get an image to fill the image box, and center position? Please help!

worked for me, give me a sec, killing some pink spiders in a drunken dungen keepers bad nightmere atm.

I posted the solution above. You donā€™t need a background image.

You must explicity set the width of the image to 100vw, set the height to 75vh, and use the image-fit dropdown as you did.

I donā€™t understand what I did but I randomly clicked on buttons until it worked.

This should really be more intuitiveā€¦

Thanks for your help.

sweet saves me a video.

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And Iā€™m not allowed to post video files (like screen recordings) here, so I have to use WeTransfer. Why?


thanks for the video, videos are huge so links to others are better.
Did you use 4000px on the image settings?
If so if you reset does it still work?