HTML Embed doesn't work?

I have placed the EMBED into a container with the code set to -

and all it does is show the link on the page? it’s doing nothing to show the URL content.

My plan is LITE

Hi @Mark_Potter - Welcome to the forums.

An HTML embed allows you to insert HTML into a page. So you need to provide the correctly formatted HTML you wish to render. There is no magic done for you. If you place a link in the EMBED without HTML, it will display the text you entered. If you place a valid HTML link, it will display it. The browser is the renderer of this EMBED, not webflow. If you are trying to FRAME content from another URL, you will need to use the correct HTML to do so.

It sounds like you want to insert an Inline Frame into the EMBED. You can read more about how this is done in HTML at the link below.

<iframe>: The Inline Frame element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN



Is your intention to iframe into your viewport?

Here is a resource describing what you can do with HTML Embeds in webflow.