How to trigger Webflow Interactions 2.0 using JavaScript


Is it possible to manually trigger IX2 objects?

There’s the following post which explains is perfectly BUT it’s for IX, not IX2:

Thank you!

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Hey @dcardenas91 did you ever find out if this is possible?? I would love a solution!

Still no news on how to do this?? (3 years later)

I have interactions set up on a template. I’m using Xano for the backend for the data.

When the data is fetched I clone the template node, but non of the interactions trigger on the clones (of course).

How can I trigger interactions with something like a javascript click event listener?

Dear developers - how to solve this problem?
This is a very important topic.

I’ve seen a post somewhere here on how to do that.
With IX1 you could call them directly. With IX2, your best bet is probably to bind your interaction to a click trigger, and then use js to trigger that element click.

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