How to show claim points by day element?

How to show claim points by day element like this and fucntions

hey there

Can you explain a little more what you are trying to do? Also please share the site link so i can look into it.

Hi Afthal,

You’ll need a lot more detail if you’re asking how to engineer a feature on your site.
From the screenshot I’m guessing this is some kind of loyalty / rewards system that rewards you for each day you come back in the first week.

Day 1 would be the first day they visit, then for the next 7 days, you give additional rewards when they visit, and then some kind of reward redemption mechanism.

The basics of a crude version of this are simple enough;

  • Build your UX
  • Javascript to update/style the UX
  • Javascript to detect the day and rewards
  • Local storage to track the rewards, provided security is not a prime concern

Where it gets more complex is if you want to do the tracking server-side and/or require a user account. In that case I’d recommend Memberstack which has user ID’s available to your Javascript, and a Member storage system for arbitrary data like this.