How to setting right click and copy text disabled for blog content?

Hi! Dear Webflow team,

I am implementing a blog, and I’m searching for solutions for blocking right click and copy text.
The results are with code.
Is there any no code method for it?

Looking forward to your kindly help.
Thank you so much~

Best regards,
Lila Y.

Hi there - I used a custom CSS version to disable the text selection for specific elements (tested with div blocks). Super simple:

Paste the code into the inside tag of your page if you want it to be applied to all of the elements that have the no-select class:

.no-select {
    user-select: none;
    -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */
    -moz-user-select: none;    /* Firefox */
    -ms-user-select: none;     /* Internet Explorer/Edge */

And then apply the following class to the object (e.g. div container) for which the user’s ability to select text should be disabled - it can be applied as a combo class as well - you will probably have to create it: no-select

As a result the option to select text shouldn’t be available for the according object.