How to make mobile menu (hamburger) appear at 1130px width

I am working on a design where, in desktop view, the main navigation changes and the browser window is pulled smaller in order to not run into the logo. This has been accomplished in the Custom Code. What I would now like to do is to make the desktop navigation and the live text next to the logo go away at 1131px viewport width and have it change to the mobile navigation.

I’ve tried several ideas, but none have worked (thus the “X” in the custom code to disable what’s not working)

Any ideas?

Here is my public share link: LINK
([how to access public share link][2])

Custom code is the only way I know of to do this since a wider media query is not accessible to style in webflow.

@DFink Thanks! That’s what I ended up doing. Sure took a lot of time, but worth it!

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If you don’t mind sharing, you should explain your workaround and code for others in the same position in the future.

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