How to make different accordions (JS) to stay open when switching tabs?


I have used Webflows tabs with a custom menu created with four different accordions. I have used this beautiful and smooth accordion by Noah Raskin. This is done with JS.

This is a kind of a Q&A page with four different categories. Each category has its own accordion. Each accordion holds topics that is linked to individual tabs.

What I want is to keep the active (the one with the topic your are reading) tab open, until I click on a topic in another category. When I do that, I want the accordion for the new category to stay open.

In the current code, it’s only possible for the first accordion to stay open because it’s set as active with a class.

Does anyone know how to achieve this? I’m not good with JS at all.

This is the page

Here is my site Read-Only: Link
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Does anyone have a suggestion?