How to make a custom code work in 2 CMS components which uses the same class


I create 2 CMS components (Latest news and Projects). You can review the read-only link

I’m using custom code from one amazing Webflow dev to animate the CMS slider (provided below)

For the projects component, I added a combo class projects

Now the arrow buttons should work but it doesn’t

Any help is greatly appreciated :pray:t2:

--Script for CMS Slider

<!-- Before /body -->
<script >
/*  Left/Right Arrow Styling  */
function leftArrowHide() {

function leftArrowShow() {

function rightArrowHide() {

function rightArrowShow() {
/*  Hide the CMS nav dots used for styling
and set the arrows to default styles for Slide 1  */
/*  Generate nav dots for each CMS slide  */
var slideval = 0;
var cmscount = $("#slides").children().length;
var countconverted = (cmscount - 1) * -100;
for (i = 0; i < cmscount; i++) {
    var container = document.getElementById('#nav');
    var div = document.createElement("div");
    div.className = 'navdot'; = 'slide' + i;
    div.className += ' generated';
    var slidenumber = document.createElement("div");
    slidenumber.innerHTML = i + 1;
    slidenumber.className = 'navdot-number';

/*  Activate the generated nav dot for Slide 1. */

/*  Click detection for nav dots. Activate the corresponding slide 
and update the left/right arrows if on the first or last slide  */
$(".navdot").click(function() {
    var slide = $(this).attr('id');
    var num = slide.replace('slide', '');
    slide = parseInt(num);
    var multiplier = slide * -100;
    slideval = multiplier;
    if (slide == 0) {
    } else if (slide == cmscount - 1) {
    } else {

/*  Right Arrow click detection and actions. */
$("#right-arrow").click(function() {
    if (slideval > countconverted) {
        slideval += -100;
        if (slideval == countconverted) {
/*  Left Arrow click detection and actions. */
$("#left-arrow").click(function() {
    if (slideval < 0) {
        slideval += 100;
        if (slideval == 0) {
/*  Function called on by arrow and nav dot clicks to move to
the selected slide  */
function moveSlides(measurement) {
        '-webkit-transform': 'translateX(' + slideval + '%)',
        '-moz-transform': 'translateX(' + slideval + '%)',
        '-ms-transform': 'translateX(' + slideval + '%)',
        '-o-transform': 'translateX(' + slideval + '%)',
        'transform': 'translateX(' + slideval + '%)'
/*  Update nav dots so that the active dot corresponds to the 
active slide  */
function updatenav() {
    var slides = $('.generated');
    for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
        var slide = slides[i].id;
        var num = slide.replace('slide', '');
        slide = parseInt(num);
        var multiplier = slide * -100;
        if (multiplier == slideval) {
            $("#slide" + i).addClass("selected");

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Still waiting for solutions :confused:

Here’s the updated read-only link. Anyone could help?

Hi @AliSaeed before you will investigate further why your jQ doesn’t work you should fix ALL errors you can see when visit published site. All these errors are related to wrong units used for width and height. SVG doesn’t allow to use rem units. Please refer to any SVG documentation like w3c or any article to get familiar how SVG’s works.

Once fixed check if issue will persist. I will suggest to learn at leas some basic how to use browser DevTools. :wink:

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Oh god! I didn’t even know!

Every other place it is rem. And it does look fine on web. Plus, i don’t see it on console

Can I know how did you find it?

HI @AliSaeed each browser using different engine to deal with code so we are dealing with issues to optimise websites for all major browsers. In Safari it is webKit, Firefox had or still have SpiderMonkey, and Chrome use V8. Im using Safari as it is imo most reliable and honest browser compare to Chrome, second browser I’m using is Firefox and lastly in some cases I use Chrome.

In Safari are these as Errors (correct) in Firefox as warnings but I do not know why Chrome does’n reveal these.

EDIT: I will suggest to change value for width and height to 100% and set dimension on component that holds SVG. :wink:

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