How to Localize the Search Element in Navigation

Dear Webflow Community,

I’ve been working diligently on localizing my website using Webflow’s powerful localization features. However, I’ve hit a roadblock when localizing the search element in my navigation bar. Despite translating the CMS and pages successfully, the search element remains in its original language and doesn’t reflect the changes made through localization.

The search element is denoted as a CMS element due to its purple color, yet it doesn’t appear on my CMS lists for translation. I’m reaching out to the amazing Webflow community for guidance on where and how to localize the search element within Webflow’s platform.

Any insights, tips, or solutions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all for being such a supportive and knowledgeable community.

Best regards!


Same here!

I’ve changed the button text to a Font Awesome icon which works, but the placehoder is a deal breaker. Had to remove it completly, until Webflow offers a solution here.

Also the option field in the CMS collections seems to be a problem. Please help!

It’s difficult to sell the clients the extra Localization charges, if it’s not a complete system.