Hi Ezra! Great Tutorial!! Just wonder if its possible to have custom pagination outside the swiper like you showed us for the arrow navigation? I want to build color buttons which jimps to a certain imag but outside of the slider…
First a big thank you for this great tutorial!! I love it!
I also managed to make it work on my page and created some custom arrows outside the slider.
Unfortunately there is still this blue frame around the arrow once I clicked it and I can’t figure out how to get rid of it.
I’ve not used Swiper.js before, just looking into it now.
and created some custom arrows outside the slider
Would you be able to point me in the direction of the article/tutorial you followed to get custom slider arrows outside of the slider container, please?
Hi @Siton_Systems. Really like this swiper and use it on several project. But there is one thing I can not work out and I hope you can help me with. I want to change the next/previous button styling to go from the default icon to this icon:
I have followed your steps in making a button out side of the slider with a certain style and then use that class name. But somehow it’s not working on my side. Perhaps @alex-design could have a look as well, as I read see made it work.
Hi @Siton_Systems,
I really love your workaround and it helped me out at many positions in my project.
I have one question and one problem, can any of you help me? My read-only link Question:
Is it possible to hide the arrows and navigation bullets if there’s only one Image in the CMS gallery? (In my project this can change individual by each CMS item)
But I included a Lightbox and by clicking on an Image in the Slider there are too many / duplicated images in the Lightbox thumbnail. What did I wrong and how can I fix this?
Swiper use ::after - ::before - solution only by Custom CSS.
Or the idea above H. Create custom next/prev buttons (Outside of the slider) For this button: (Use absolute position to put the arrows above the slider).
awesome help!!! @Siton_Systems I was working on this for couple days… I was able to make a simple slider but now im trying to go further and put a img slider as a nested collection in a parent collection grid… but no success… =( maybe u can help me… pleeeeeease…