How to have Table?

How can i have this kind of table?
Can anyone Please show me, how to do this .?

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You have to use embed code.

Here is a table tutorial: HTML Tables

Here are the options you can use: <table>: The Table element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

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How to add table in webflow ?
I Know how to build a table, but how to build the table in webflow that is my Question ?

Please Help.

Webflow does not have native table manipulation tools at the moment, you have to write table codes for it.

Vote for it here: Table Support | Webflow Wishlist

Hey @Chetan, I would just put a few columns on top of each other, then give them borders, then throw a text box in each column.

With some styling you’ll be able to make it look how ever you’d like.

Hope that helps!

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