How to handle Google Maps json code correctly?

Hey community,

can anyone explain how to use Google Maps json code correctly?
I genereated a custom map style with Googles official styling wizard.
But I don´t understand how to use these code-snippets correctly:

First part is the .json (shortened):

    "elementType": "geometry",
    "stylers": [
        "color": "#f5f5f5"

Secont part is the URL for the Google Static Maps API (shortened):,-122.35&zoom=12&format=png&maptype=roadmap&style=element:geometry%7Ccolor:0xf5f5f5&style=element:labels.icon%7Cvisibility:off&style=element:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x616161&style=element:labels.text.stroke%7Ccolor:0xf5f5f5&style=feature:administrative.land_parcel%7Celement:lab...

Here is all the code
I do have an activated API Key

I appreciate your help!

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