How to grab content from another page?

I’m trying to using the .get() method but is my first time hehe.

const quickSilverBtn = $('#QS-btn');
    quickSilverBtn.on('click', function() {
    const lookbookWrapper = $('.lookbook-content-wrapper');
       $.get( "", function( data ) {
          $( "#man-qsilver-content" ).html( data );
          console.log( $("#man-qsilver-content") );

I want to grab the content from another page and put it on a div. What I need to do?
I’m very frustrated hehe
Thanks a lot people!

Hi! I having the same question. Did you solve it?

Htmx is ideal for this situation.

Include the script in your header, then on the div where you want the content to appear you can add some custom parameters to give you something like:

<div hx-get="url/of/the/page/you/want/to/grab" hx-select="#id-of-div-you-want-to-grab"></div>