How to expand a (what looks like a grid) item background image on hover?

I came across this interaction on a website and found it quite cool. However, I cant figure out a way to replicate it. Recorded GIF below:


I was able to use box sizing to expand entire grid items on hover, but not just the background image to stretch across the grid on hover (like in the attached GIF).

Anyone know how to do this? Thanks!

hi @MuseOnline_Co in coding is always several ways to get identical result. If you would like to know how this is structured use browser Dev Tool to investigate what and how.

Hi. Thanks for responding! I did actually try to inspect it through the Dev Tool. Are you saying that there is no way to accomplish this without code? Because a no-code solution is what I was looking for.

Thanks again!

I do not know as I can’t check original page and gif doesn’t means anything to me.

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@Stan Thanks for pointing that out. Here is the live link to the website I am referring:

The section of interest is the Services section a bit down the page.

Thank you.

Thats correct @MuseOnline_Co

Maybe you may build some alternative but not to close to this in “no-code” paradigm but … take it as some inspiration and come up with your version.

I see. Thank you for clearing that up for me.