How to change slider slide

Hello, I’m using this template as-is, and you can test this functionality using “Preview in designer”:

There’s a section called “REVIEWS” with a simple slider. Normally, you can click the arrows in the “slider settings” to get to the next slide to change elements in the designer. In this template, the arrows don’t work. Any help?

I’ve reached out to the support for that template, but haven’t heard back.

Here’s the read-only link: Webflow - Luxury Hotels
Here’s a live link: T&T - Webflow HTML Website Template

Welcome @Frederik_Bussler to the forums!

The reason the slider isn’t moving in the Designer is because it’s managed via CMS and interactions. If you want to change the content, you need to change the content in the CMS collection.

Thanks @joejola. But some of the slider content (see the “Lorem ipsum” under “Modern minimalism”) is actually “hard-coded,” it’s not tied to CMS content. The only way to change that Lorem ipsum on each slide is to somehow access the slide, since again, it’s not in the CMS.

The rest is in the CMS, just need to edit those Lorem ipsum sub-texts.

For anyone else facing this problem, I’ve done the temporary workaround of manually deleting the loreum ipsum text element in the navigator. Not a good solution, because now I don’t have the text, but better than the default that’s unchangeable without direct access.

If it’s the text element is white in the navigator, then its not connected to the CMS. If it’s purple, then it is connected. You can re-add the text element and connect it to a field in the CMS.