How do I set so only a certain ( can register a profile on my website

Hello I am pretty new into trying making a website,
I am currently having a issue regarding setting up user accounts and registration on my website and wounded if someone here could help me

I see in settings and on forums that there are ways to block certain e-mails domains to register as a user on the website.

But how do I make it so only one ( mail is allow to register a user/profile?

It would be really helpful is someone could provide some information regarding this

Webflow development of members has stalled and I would not expect anything new unless they announce something. Most people turn to Memberstack. That product might have the feature you are looking for.

You could write custom code to hide the submit when the email does not match your desired pattern.

If you’re already using User Accounts, there is a path you can take.

Unfortunately the sign up form is built a bit differently and doesn’t perform normal form validation, so adding a simple pattern regex on the input field doesn’t work.

Jeff’s custom code approach for submit is probably the simplest and best UX.

If you’re worried at all about security, I’d add a server-side piece to this.
Make all of your content gated to a specific access group, e.g. verified_employee. Then when someone signs up, you have an automation ( on Make, Zapier, etc ) capture that webhook event on a new user creation, verify the email, and then assign the access group to accounts that deserve it.

This ensures that even if someone circumvents the client side safeguard [ easy enough ] they can’t get access to your gated information.

Hello and thank you for your responses, so I would need to either manually validate it after people try to register an account or try use webhook,

I tried to avoid it but making the e-mail form need a specific email to make value correct but seems it failed

Thanks for your feedback,
I hope I would avoided to turn to memberstack and try use the intergrated solution, but if the value restrict does not work then I might need to look into memberstack, thanks for your suggestion

webhook is a good suggestion but since I try avoid example @gmail and @hotmail etc and have one gated to register or restrict to company ones the webhook can cause members that register that isn’t suppose to be there

The client-side JS piece is what would deter people from signing up with an un-approved email. However it’s not foolproof.

The server-side piece protects your content by assigning the access group separately, and only after verification. That ensures that if someone e.g. has JS disabled or a bot successfully circumvents the JS-based deterrent, that it cannot access your content.

Your automation could also just delete accounts that are created without a valid email.