How do I change the order of my sections in tablet mode

I have this last thing on my portfolio in web flow that I am having the hardest time with. In the desktop mode, I have my images alternating back and forth between sections and when I put them into tablet mode they still alternate, but I would like all of them to come after the words. Though when I try to switch the div boxes in tablet it also switches on the desktop.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Welcome to the community @Raelee_Rossel!

Physically changing the order of the elements (how they appear in the Navigator) affects all breakpoints, so you’ll want to make sure you only change settings in the Style panel. For alternating layouts, you want to look into Flex Direction—every other row will use Row Reverse, and on lower breakpoints you’ll change this to Column.

If you’re still running into issues, just include your read-only link and I’d be happy to give you more specific instructions for your project :+1:

@mikeyevin Thank you so much for responding!

I’m not sure I understand:

Here is my link:

It looks like the page you linked in your read-only link (“Wisepause 2”) shows the alternating pattern a bit lower on the page that breaks down into a consistent text->image layout on mobile—are you wanting this to alternate to image->text or is there another place on the site where you’re experiencing the issue?

Here’s the section I’m talking about:

Personally I’d opt to use Flexbox over the native Columns element as the latter is all but depreciated with the current support of the former. Not only will you have more control over how the columns change on smaller breakpoints, but you’ll also have added features like row/column reverse.

If you let me know which area specifically you’re having trouble with I’d be happy to record a short walkthrough on setting it up with Flexbox :+1: