Help with responsive views

Hello, I am having trouble with how my site reacts to different views. I designed for 1920 by 1080, however when I switch to any other view the elements totally disappear. If anyone else has had this issue I’d love your help

Here is the link

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @LucasChute.

The problem is here:

When you design this for 1920px, the styles will only apply for this resolution and up! That is not the base breakpoint.
This is the one:


Unfortunately, you will have to make all the adjustment for the others views too (unless is a upper one) :pensive:

Oh damn… that’s something to really not want to run into. @Andre_Pascal_Fuentes is correct, additional breakpoints work only up, not down.

Thank you!

Guess I have more work ahead of me