Help with backdrop filters

Hi all,

I’ve created the following site and implemented a backdrop filter on the dropdown navigation. The filter works on Safari, but not on Chrome / Firefox.

I know the issue isn’t with the browsers and I cannot find out a fix. Ive used Chrome dev tools and the filter seems to be visible in the code.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Found this on StackOverflow:

I had this issue and it took very long to fix. In my case there were two culprits: opacity and drop-shadow. Setting opacity breaks the blur effect so you should (just like in this answer) use rgba(r, g, b, *opacity here*). Second one is drop-shadow. If the element I wanted to blur also had drop-shadow it adds shadow but blur disappears. I hope this helps.

Does your blurred element use opacity? Maybe eliminate and swap out for a color that uses transparency instead?

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Thanks for your time looking. Ive already got the transparency set within the colour swatch, not opacity.

I see this was a 1.5 years ago. Now works as expected in Chrome. Firefox still missing the blur though. Did you change something during that time?

Do you know where this grey field comes from? Looks like a drop shadow below?