Thank you a lot for your help … I worked on it, uploading, unzipping it, insert the code in the head, the first points are correctly, but i don’t know how to do the 4th and last point :
4 -Create a zoom by linking your small image to your big image with a CSS class of MagicZoom: <a href="big.jpg" class="MagicZoom" data-options="zoomMode: magnifier; variableZoom: true"><img src="small.jpg"></a>
I don’t know exactly where I need to put this code and I can’t upload my"big-image.jpg" on webflow because the max size to upload is 4Mo and my big files is 11Mo.
PixelGeek could you please try for me this integration with your proficiency or suggest me another way to have a beautiful customizable zoom script without a big logo in a corner or too big ugly navigation buttons?