Help needed to make dropdown menu scrollable on desktop


I have a navigation dropdown on my site that applies to Desktop, tablet, and mobile. On tablet and mobile the menu is of course scrollable, however on desktop it is not.

Depending on the monitor, some users are finding some menu items are missing below the fold and cant be accesses because the menu overlay is not scrollable. See below:

I’ve had a play with overflow settings but no luck. Any help much appreciated!



Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

hello @Celer_Studios,
please share your website read-only link.

Hey! Thanks for replying.

Looks like I messed up pasting the link in the original post. Here it is:

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give a height: 100 vh;
to your uui-navbar02_dropdown-list class:
and overflow: auto;

and this class doesn’t need overflow: auto;

final result:

Amazing! Thanks so much! I opted for 75vh in the end to have some canvas to hover out from.

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