Help! My site repeatedly crashes on Iphone

Hey Webflow fam!
My site seems to crash on iphone every time I scroll a little.
I’ve tried to clean up some things and it still reports an error “A Problem repeatedly occurred”.

it’s happening both on Safari and Chrome but only on Mobile.

Please help! Thanks :slight_smile:

Here’s the site link: Proposal

Here is my site Read-Only: **[LINK]

hey. were you able to get it fixed? if so, how? i’m having the same issue.

Have you tried loading the page without the background videos, embeds (calendly), or custom code?

Just in case anyone was struggling with this, I’ve figured this out after having the same issue on my project. iOS for some reason struggles when you have multiple videos playing and you have them all in a fixed layout in order to have the fade in effect.

Probably has to do with all the videos technically being played in the viewport but just not shown due to z-index. It’s only an issue if you have too many large videos.

As soon as I changed my layout so that the sections having the videos were not using a fixed layout but stack below each other the crashing issue disappears.