Header Size Changing Between Pages

Hello! Whenever I place my header on this custom slider page, it becomes wider and smaller. I have been fiddling with it for a few days and cannot seem to get it to match the home page sizing for some reason.

Header on ‘Home’ page:

Header on ‘Production’ page:

Anyone know why this page is changing it and how to fix? I am literally just copying and pasting the section containing my header from the home page to this so I do not know why it would be any different.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Here is my site Read-Only: (Webflow - Carson)

I tried looking at it, but I only found it on two pages, neither of them look like the screen shots but both of the nav bars were the same size.

Apologies should have been more clear, the page that is specifically affected is ‘Production’ while the page I am comparing it to is ‘Home’