Guidelines for posting to the Show & Tell category

Working on something cool that you’re proud of – share with the community here.

Show & Tell Category

This category is all about you. Use this category to share your incredible work, celebrate your wins, and even get feedback from our talented Webflow community.

A couple of tips for posting:

  1. Lead with what you’re celebrating! Add a description for your site, tell us how and why it was designed, and highlight your websites wins (any notable areas and effects you’re especially proud of.)
  2. Share the link to the site as it’s displayed on your Webflow Public Profile page. This makes sure that everyone can like and comment on your site directly on your page.
  3. Upload screenshots of your site on the forum so that your work gets seen and previewed, even by the busy bees.
  4. Ask the community for feedback if you’d like! If you have any areas of your site that you’d like the community’s expert opinion on, make sure to say so.
  5. Make sure to tag someone if you answer to them directly. You can do so by using the @ sign followed by their forum username.
  6. Share the Webflow love and take some time to congratulate others on their achievements too :slight_smile: :tada:
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