Grid using a CMS collection that spans multiple columns?

Hey everyone,

I’m having trouble figuring out a solution that would allow me to organize a CMS grid that would conditionally allow wide format images to span two columns, while vertical images would only occupy a single column. I’d like the format to look like this, with the images being pulled in a specified order from the Multiple Photos section of the CMS.

Is it possible with Webflow, or would it require custom code? I’d hate to have to create individual pages for each of these projects. The read only is below, and the page is “Project Template”

Bonus : Any suggestions for then creating a custom page lightbox from these? I’d like to have the lightbox as it’s own page type overlay with the project header and nav still accessible at any time. Not a priority though.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey Tyler,
I think you’ll have to use some custom code.

This might help.

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awh bummer! Thanks Aviv - I’m going to have to figure out a way to make it conditional on the ratio of width to height too. I’ll update this post if I make a solution.

Good luck :webflow_heart: