Grid layout is 'glitching' on hover on tablet and mobile

Hi @tai, I’m having this issue too and I found out several things:

  • This happens with elements without hover state set.
  • The flickering happens even within desktop view only, by just moving the troubled element from one grid cell to another.
  • Temp solution: If I move the element outside of the grid first and then back into it, I can then move it within the grid without any issues, flickering is gone. (without applying your fix above)

I cannot identify what caused the element to become troubling in the first place, though. It can be related to copying elements. But if I create an exact new element and add the same class, I can move this element within the grid without causing any issues. The problem only happens with a ‘tainted’ element, but by taking it out of the grid element and back again the issue is resolved.

I added a test example at the bottom of my page to play with:
