Grams to Oz conversion

hey there, I’ve got a food blogger client who’s looking to have an option where her users can view the ingredient list in either oz or grams (she’s based in the UK but has quite a big US audience so wants to cater tp them too).

Is there a way to do this. I know I could set it up as a tab menu where one piece of content is grams and the other ounces, but she doesn’t want the hastle of doing the conversions herself. So having a button that would automatically change the ingredients would be perfect.

Does anyone know how to do this/have an idea of where to start with it?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@jakedoubleu - JavaScript is typically used for this purpose. Ask ChatGPT or any other capable AI tools to show you examples. You can use that as the foundation to solve your issue. The other option is to hire someone with these skills to do it for you.