Glow hover effect not displaying

Hi there,

I’m doing the 21-day design portfolio course and am trying to create a glow hover effect on the selected projects collection item on the home page, as it teaches at 19:25 of this video: 21 day design portfolio course | Webflow University

I’ve followed along with the course but the glow hover effect isn’t displaying and I can’t figure out why. Here is a link to my project and here is a link to Webflow’s clone where it is working..

Thanks in advance for any tips!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Also, on the same topic, I’m trying to convert the “project details” div block to a link block as the tutorial instructs around 25:30. But when I right click on the block and click “convert to link block”, the entire div block turns white (or blank?) I’m not sure if these two items are related, but they might be.

Thanks again!

Did you find out the solution ?

I’m having the same problem and can’t find a solution.
Did you have any luck?