Full width video in rich text element

How do I make the video extend the full width of the container?

It’s a rich text element, but I have formatted my rich text elements in a separate page that I am referencing with each of the styles that I’m using.

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Communicate Jesus

Try adding an HTML Embed to the page with the below code.


Thanks - however this squished the video even further:

Does this work for you?

.w-richtext figure {max-width:100%;width:100%!important}

hi @Steve-K you can set full width directly in RTE

Thanks - I did that but it still doesn’t seem to be working.

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You need to style the element. Unbind the rich text field from the CMS field, then add a video element to the rich text field directly. Style this video like you want, then rebind the rich text field to the CMS field again. Your styling will now be added to all videos you add.

See also: Rich text element overview | Webflow University

Hi @Steve-K I have just a few notes