Hey, stumbled upon this website and was wondering how something like this could be pulled off in webflow? Full page video/gif as background with a logo centered in the middle. Cheers
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Great question @miikede
I would recommend using the Background video element as a section and giving it a width of 100%
and a height of 100vh
(100% of the viewport-height).
Then adding a Flexbox style to the Background video element with a align-center and justify center as shown in this screenshot:
Then uploading a logo image which you’ll drop inside of the background video element.
Here’s a preview of the demo site pictured above along with the Read-Only link to the project:
Demo Link ➞
Read-Only link preview in the Designer ➞
Please note: You may want to consider keeping the motion to a minimum with background videos as they can cause negative side effects for anyone sensitive to motion.
You da man Waldo! Thanks
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