Full height section overflows

Hi, I’m trying to build each section of the website to be full height and width.
I’ve set the section’s MinH as 100svh, layout to ‘Flex’, and the container which is a flex child’s layout to In-grid.

First section is the one that I have trouble with. (the one with the yellow bg)


Here’s the link if you are willing to save me from this disaster…
As you can see, the yellow section is flowing over the full screen height. Please help me out!

yellow section is really min-height: 100svh - but the total height is:

1. navbar height (Sticky) + 2. first section > 100svh


Option 1: Custom Javascript

For sticky navbar - the only solution is by code (copy-paste before body).

Simple code idea:

  1. Get navbar height (89.555 px for example).
  2. Hero Header - Set min-height - The value => 100svh Minus navbar height
  const navbar_height = $(".w-nav").outerHeight();
  $("#Main").css("min-height", `calc(100svh - ${navbar_height}px)`);

***keep in mind: This will override the min-height you set under webflow designer

Option 2: Use Fixed

Use fixed instead of sticky navbar.

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I chose option 2 and it worked! Thank you so much :smiling_face: