Hello! I have an annoying issue with an animation I’ve made for three collapsable columns on a site.
I’d originally set up animations using set sizing for each interaction (eg. from 35rem height > 56rem height) – this works smoothly but causes a responsiveness issue when scaling the screen (text gets cut off at the bottom).
I’ve now tried starting the interaction at a set height and using a percentage-based height or ‘Auto’ setting for the ending height. Ie. 35rem > 100% or ‘Auto’ height). This works great for responsiveness as it no longer cuts off the text when scaling but for some reason, the overlay gradient I have as a second part of the animation now flickers whenever closing the box.
See this Loom video to see what I mean.
If you access the read-only link, on the Base-breakpoint, ‘Tier 1’ is using the ‘Auto’-set up and the other tiers the ‘fixed-height’ setup.
PS. I have a separate component for each smaller breakpoint. It’s been a process
Here is my public share link: Webflow - Copy of CX Excellence