Fixed Mobile Navbar not opening once scrolled


I recently made my navbar in the fixed position. It seems to work fine on desktop. When I looked into the Tablet downwards the menu item and navbar icon was only working on the page load prior to scrolling. Once I scroll down the page and try to click the menu item in top right corner. Nothing seems to open or be working.

Also when I open from the top of the page prior to scrolling the drop down is covering my logo.

Can someone please help. My preview link is below.



Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I kind of fixed the issue I was having with the hamburger nav menu item button not opening when I scrolled down by setting all other components within it as fixed as well.

The links are still opening up and covering the logo. Any idea how I can fix this to have the nav links open under the logo instead ?



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