Exported website doesnt show images, shows their names instead

Exported website doesnt show images, shows their names instead , Please Help

Same Problem Here, half the images does’nt show

Why is that happening ? same issue , majority of images are not showing!

Check to make sure you have place your image folder on your server. Look to see if the images you expect to be in the image folder are actually in the image folder. Last take a look at your code and make sure the <img> is referencing the location where you put your image folder.

I just exported one of my sites and opened the html file in a browser and all the images were there.

Hey david, when you export your website , and click on the index file you know you will see your website with full images and fonts … mine when opening doesnt show images only their names and also font is not appearing, unlike .webflow.io .

Yes, so either you are missing your image folder or you are missing images in your image folder or the images are not being referenced properly in your code. Take a look at those things so we can narrow down where the issue is.

yea i know , i fixed it manually , i think its a CMS problem Probably…

What was the issue? Missing folder, missing images from the folder, or not linking properly?

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