Embedding code)

Hi CREATIVE MINDS. I got some little problem. I have the htmls css js codes for circular progrebar. BUT i can not use them(i do not know where to put them). I have watched some videos and read some articles but it did not work out. I have put source code website here so i am sure that some CREATIVE MINDS will help me.


Here is my site Read-Only: https://webflow.com/design/iyc#]
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey and Welcome to the forum!
Do you intent to display them “as is” or are you trying to animate them?

If you just need those neat looking circles, you can recreate them easily inside webflow, without custom code.

If you want to let them animate, you can’t use these examples out of the box (looks like the creator intended them for statically use)

Please give us some more details on what you want to achieve :slight_smile:

Daneel thank ou for your replay. My main purpouse is that i am trting to make animateble circular progresbar which after finishing project i will give all the frontend code to the backend developer and he will connect that circular progress bar to the data base for visualizationing progres bar.

Well, there’s a plethora of possible ways to do this, kind of depending on what your stack is, where the value originates from and so forth. Your backend dev should be able to hint you where to start or give you the requirements on what you have to work with. Can you give me more details?

Daneel it is going to be based on numbers. For example if the number is 50 circular progressbar is going to show 50% as well)

and why this forum does nor lets me reply before 2 mins

Sure :slight_smile:
I meant where does the percentage comes from meaning on what is it based on?

Passed time? User input? network requests?

I guess user input Daneel.
If you can help me i would like to have video meeting with you over whatsapp(+994777212002)
Because this forum increases the reply delay time)

Sorry Elnur, I’m not up for videocalls :upside_down_face:
I’m happy to give advice and try to guide you towards your goal, here on the forum. Hope that’s okay for you!

A bit sad but it is OK). So Daneel you got what i am trying to achieve. How can i embed that animation to my project

I’m not totally clear on what you want to create:

  • what will cause the progress animation to start?
  • what should the progress bar convey to the user?
  • what will cause the progress animation to start?
    On the page load animation got to start from 0 to the certain number

  • what will cause the progress animation to start?
    Some progress about education. for example percentage of success based on grades.
    But all that part will be cared by backend programmer who only needs access to animation

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I will take some time later and try to help you! Sorry for the delay

No worries Daneel)))))))))

Hey Elnur!
How’s it going? Did you made progress?
Sorry for the delay, very busy lately :frowning: