Hello Webflow.
I am stuck on this since few days and I can’t find somewhere the solution, nor a clear explanation (at least for me). I am also somehow new to Webflow but more importantly new to code, and these problems seems only solvable via emdebing code. This problem will definitely affects the future use of the website I am working on, at the moment I found a solution by avoiding the use of Dynamic Collections but that was not the plan.
1. Dynamic List item with vimeo in a lightbox.
I have followed this tutorial, and tried to paste in the embed code with the Emdeb Component.
But once closing the lightbox the video remains on the page. (tutorial: Dynamic Lightbox with CMS Workaround - Works Perfectly). I may have forgotten something there.
The page is called: Home Custom Lightbox test
2. Dynamic items in a slider.
Same story again, there seems to be a code to paste somewhere, but I havent found a clear explanation on how to build this and past it where.
This sits on the Home page at the bottom at the moment.
I hope some can drop me some links on how to embed codes and understand where the issues are.
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)