Ecommerce Tracking Impossible? Can't get DataLayers information - GA4 & GTM


I’m trying to set up tracking for my ecommerce store, and I just can’t figure out how to access the datalayer variable (purchase price, products, id…) to pass on to GA4.

I followed this Webflow tutorial : Google Analytics | Webflow University

In this tutorial it said the following information :

If you’ve enabled Ecommerce for your site, Webflow will automatically track Ecommerce-specific events like “viewed product,” “added product to cart,” and “purchased product” after you’ve migrated to Google Analytics 4. Note that you’ll have to enable Ecommerce tracking to receive these events for Google Analytics 4.

Except that what I simulate an order, I can’t see any information at all, there is no dataLayers. It doesn’t work.

Please, can someone help me? I’m on this topic for 3 days now, I search everywhere on the forum and on the internet but I just can’t find anything on this topic.

It must be quite simple tho, this is a basic implementation and Webflow should be able to support this


Here is my site :

Yes, I’d love to hear more about this. The current document like the page that you linked say that you need to enable ecommerce on google analytics, but it links to a page describing only how to do it with UA, not GA4. It seems that without setting up this up, while a purchase event will show up on google analytics, nothing else regarding ecommerce data does, meaning you can’t see your revenue, the funnel, etc.–it all just shows up as blank.

Is there any simple way to get the same data without having to set up more complex events and tags?

Is there an update on this? The Webflow tutorial linked is still outdated, are we able to track GA4 ecommerce events yet in Webflow?

Hi, I also have this issue. Please can anybody help solve it?