Dynamic list grid not lining up

Hello all:

I’m trying to create a dynamic masonry-style grid using dynamic lists but having some trouble trying to get things to line up perfectly. Particularly having trouble with this, where I have one image on the left and two images stacked on the right that span the length of the image on the left.

For some reason, it’s not lining up exactly. Any thoughts? Public link below.



Here is my public share link: LINK

Your link is broken.

The “off by” its ok in masonry (the last row will not be in the same “Y” point)


Anyway if for example “tall image = 500px”(left) and the small1 and small2 = 250px - the extra bottom padding (or margin) of small1 make this 10px “off by”

Margin collapse (use margin instead of padding)

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