Duplicate navbar appears above full screen nav when scrolling down the page

please watch screencast.

why does the nav element come down twice. should’nt it be hidden?

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/valley-expetec-2?preview=b39dc963c4f65f87d118111e8cd6adf4
(how to access public share link)

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hey Jaime.
Can’t help you on this one. You are using the Embed Widget to your navbar, which can’t be shown like it should inside of preview.

Can you give the published site link. I can maybe help you with that :smiley:



what do you mean by published site link? you mean this: http://valley-expetec-2.webflow.io/

Thank you for your help

Hey Jaime. I can see what the problem is, but it is hard to explain. Basicly you have 2 navbars that are fighting for space.
Can you try to add these settings into your interaction and then re-publish the site?

I can not see the finished product, because Webflow can’t show your embed :smiley:
EDIT: If Opacity doesn’t work, then try using Display None instead of 0% Opacity and Display block instead of 100% Opacity :smiley:

are you adding an interaction? or modifying an existing one. I cannot see it.

thank you,

Oh yeah! I am adding to the interaction called VE Nav Bar Clear :smiley:

http://valley-expetec-2.webflow.io/ not working


please advise, this is still not working

Hi @JaimeGizzle I took a peek at your site - I can help with the duplicate nav that appears on scroll, but your navigation is broken currently

Can you please create a new, separate topic explaining your broken navbar and send me the link? I will help you repair it and we can then come back to this issue with a working site.


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