Does webflow now automatically resize images?

Hey guys
One of the big issues I’ve always had when testing my pagespeed score is to “properly size images”
Anyway, this issue doesn’t seem to crop up anymore in Google Pagespeed Insights, and my pagespeed scores have all bumped up.
I input all images to my CMS as 800px, which is fine for desktop but far too big for mobile and was really slowing it down.

Was this a new released that I missed? I swear I ticked the “make images responsive” (or whatever it’s named) button on my site a few years back when I first launched it.

Thanks for any help!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

This feature was always here mate. I’m sorry to hear that only now you are seeing the effects. The difference is that normally webflow would only resize <img> elements, and not background images. I’m not aware if they started doing so with background images as well

Ah awesome!
Yes you’re right, the issue I still had was with large background images. I’ve now changed them to standard images and now they are responsive!
So glad you posted this now, I was about to go through and resize every one of 250 images so that they were 400px thumbnails.
Just saved me a lot of effort haha :smiley:

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