Displaying data from an external API - GET request to Lever.co

Hi there,

I’d like to add my job listing from the Lever API to my site (GitHub - lever/postings-api: API documentation and examples for the lever postings REST API).

How do I call an external API and render its response on my webflow site? Can I link this up with the CMS?

Thanks, Jon

Use of an external API is too broad in scope for the forum. You might want to post in the Freelance category instead so you can get the help you need.

Mapping a basic GET request’s json object to the Webflow CMS doesn’t feel too broad. Perhaps I titled the post incorrectly?

Will also try to the freelance category, thanks!

Maybe this can help you

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Hey @jp_jon,

I got a similar requirement from the client. So I created a sample to fetch data from external API to the Webflow page using custom Javascript code.

Here’s the link to it – Fetch data from external API to Webflow | Webflow Development

I hope this will help you somehow.

Cheers & happy designing!


JS for the above tutorial sourced from:

(It’s a really phenomenal tutorial, for anyone else looking for more detail)


Building on the great work @gautamlakum has done, I wanted to leave this here for posterity. A step-by-step tutorial for how to do this:

Also if you’re interested in how to work with Webflow • Memberstack and Xano (No code backend together), we made a tutorial for that as well:


Hope this helps someone searching for answers!

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