Directional Hover (?)

Hello to all!

I’m trying to create a hover that triggers an element to move depending on the position of the cursor on that element.
I may have to create some custom code but I’m not sure. The closest example that I found is this centered menu:
Steven Haley

It’s my first post here and I’m a little bit (cof-cof) of a noob at Webflow but I’m really enjoying it as my code skills are very limited.


Hi Dnaiel

watch this video and try out

Try a demo project and share link so guide you better.

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Thanks! I’ll try to adapt it and I’ll give you my feedback later on :wink:

Hey! It worked perfectly, I need to tweak and adapt things a little bit but I’ll get there (I love to explore by myself)

Thanks for showing me the right direction, it was the help that I needed.

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