Design - slanted div blocks? - need help

So I’m trying to create something like the image above. I assume that grey block is simply a DIV block colored gray and transparent of 20ish but how did they slant it so it’s angled?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


You can use the “transform” setting by Rotating a div

That works but it leaves a pretty big cap on the side of the page. Any clue how to fix that?

Please share your “read-only” link so we can take a look? Might be a margin thing.

I would use rotation that way:

place big dive (“A”) inside another div (“B”).
make “A” div as a 200vw add the rotation, now make dv “B” as with as you wish and add it “overflow hidden”.

I’ve built something similar - hope it helps

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