Customize Slider Nav - Dots into Lines

Hi everybody,
I’ve being trying to emulate this effect on Slider Nav but I haven’t being successful yet.

Basically I know I need to convert the dots/circles of Slider Nav to lines and just set some special positioning later. I already tried to find similar topics and answers around but couldn’t. Probably some CSS/JS tricks… If you could bring an example I’d appreciate it very much.

If you need to check the real site from where this img comes from, here’s the link.

Thank you all for yr help :wink:

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @henriquefoca, what’s your site link or site preview link please?


Sorry Blaise, here’s the link:

Maybe instead of using a Slider I should use Tabs? What do u think?

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