Customizable Soundcloud Player on CMS Pages


Right now, if you want to embed a Soundcloud link into a blog post (via CMS collections), you simply paste the Soundcloud link into the video source tool. This is easy to do, but it gives you no control over how the Soundcloud player displays. Is there some way to globally override the Soundcloud player embed settings so that I can make it rectangular? Full customization of this player is an essential feature.

I already know how to customize the player on non-CMS pages (modifying the embed code), but I’m hoping there’s a workaround for CMS pages.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

@Charles_Hoffman this delightful little tutorial is exactly what you’re looking for SoundCloud Integration | Webflow University. This way you don’t need the whole code and embed it the whole time and you’re able to show it where and how you like :slight_smile: