Custom Styling on Embedded Form

Hey guys,

I have recently been given the task of setting up the CRM (Airship) for a restaurant and part of this is getting a subscriber form on the website. I followed a really cool tutorial on how to create a non-offensive banner at the bottom of the webpage and added integrations to have this appear/disappear when I’d like to but after finishing it, I then discovered that there isn’t a pre-built D.O.B field to add.

I then figured I’d embed a form straight from our CRM which would then also save me manually transferring data over or paying extra for an automated API - however the styling just does not work and I am absolutely useless when it comes to CSS coding.

Is there a user-friendly way to edit the styling of the embedded code to get it from point A to point B? (Links below)

Point A: Webflow - mnky-hse

Point B: Webflow - mnky-hse

Thank you in advance,

Hi Chris,

I didn’t see any forms in your shared readonly link.

Basically, check the generated HTML for whatever embedded forms integration you’re using. If it’s embedding <iframe> content then by design, you cannot impact it directly. You’ll have to check your form provider for styling options.

Your original approach to use a Webflow form gives you the most options here for styling, because you can access the form directly.

For date-entry fields, you have a lot of options, I like simple clean libraries like Flatpickr.