I have developed a good method to override and extend my media query breakpoints past the defaults the platform offers.
My breakpoint goals put on me by client:
1200–1440px - default
Webflow breakpoint translation 1440px+ (not needed unless you want custom big layouts later) style:xl* 1324px-992px base will cascade up and down if not customized (use main to generate styles) 991-768px Tablet mode/ still desktop (all styles must be added to 960-1199px media query) style= medium* 767px-477px Mobile landscape/tablets (all styles must be added to a 600px-959px media query) style=small* 478px and down default (all styles must be added to a 599 media query) style = tiny*
Redundantly putting in your styles for each media query you want in a override, then stripping out the extension tag tiny, small etc. works.
That brings me to this function request:
I would love to just be able set these via the platform instead. Simply click a break point/device and have an option change the range it affects then lock that in. This would save a ton of extra work, as not everyone wants the Webflow defaults for their sites. I know many users would appreciate this functionality out of the box as well, as the less someone has to mess with overrides the better.
Imagine, an advanced settings that has to be enabled though… Defaults for basic users and then at your own risk advanced mode for pro level. You could even add a warning pop up. Imagine its a pro level feature value add too, that would be smart. Every single thing you can come up with I’m sure there is a real solution for the platform. The alternative in this (visual builder) space is someone else does it before you and it impacts your business model if you cant catch up fast enough. Reasonable doubt is healthy with a technical add, but their is always a way forward. Did I win the “internet game” of proving progress is better vs do nothing and it is what is?
I am aware of they gonna find a good balance but at the same time it is a big issue for more advanced / professional users which could get very limited in quite a few cases.
Just a a litte more freedom would be really appreciated in future updates.
An advanced mode with an popup alert, which has to be confirmed to proceed would avoid many support requests which they actual fear by implementing this.
To prove my point even more, in this very competitive space. WIX has launched Editor X, I even got targeted for the custom breakpoints feature already. Via targeted ad highlighting just that.
“Custom breakpoints** to tailor designs to any viewport, not just classic devices”
open breakpoint panel and add a new one where ever you want. https://support.wix.com/en/article/editor-x-managing-breakpoints