As you may or may not know, Webflow has a character limit on the custom code block. This can cause issue with SVG’s, or larger HTML that exceeds this limit.
Just to add for others who might run into problems when using this script to insert multiple HTML embeds. Make sure you use different id´s in the script, since the script is appending data into the embed (ajaxContent).
<div id="ajaxContent01"></div><script> var Webflow = Webflow || []; Webflow.push(function() { $.get('YOUR COPIED LINK HERE', function(data) { $('#ajaxContent01').append(data); }); }); </script>
<div id="ajaxContent02"></div><script> var Webflow = Webflow || []; Webflow.push(function() { $.get('YOUR COPIED LINK HERE', function(data) { $('#ajaxContent02').append(data); }); }); </script>
just make sure you name your id differently (e.g. ajaxContent01, ajaxContent02)
As far as I’m aware, this would be possible, as long as the file had a public-facing URL (which you can put in the ‘YOUR COPIED LINK HERE’ part of the snippet).
This is interesting as right now I have to incorporate a KEAP contact form supplied to me a .HTML into Webflow. How would one Host this off their own server? I have zero programming knowledge but I did follow the GitHub instructions…