Custom button for Cart

Hello everyone,

I’m using Shopify BuyButton for the eCommerce part, and Webflow for the structure & design of the site.

The buy button works flawlessly, the Shopify cart is positioned in the right side of the screen, at the middle, but our customers are not comfortable with that position so we would like to create a simple button in the header that says My Cart and when you click on that, the Shopify cart opens.

I tried many things but can’t figure it out how to do.

I tried with inspect element while inspecting the Shopify cart button from the right side but can’t figure it out.

Is there a custom code or some script or something to trigger the cart opening from a custom button?

Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Licenso

I too am struggling with this exact problem. does anyone have the answer?

@Licenso a little late to the party but I beleive I have a solution for this using the Buy Buy Js and some jquery that gives you control over each element of the buy button within webflow. Feel free to drop me a message and we can book a call -